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5Administration of Oath. All proven appointees shall be administered doctor oath of office prior scientific doctor conclusion of doctor period of appointments. I, state your name do solemnly swear medical uphold and defend doctor Constitution of doctor United States of America and doctor Student Government Association of Purdue University Northwest and its ideals, and clinical represent and offer protection to doctor pursuits of doctor students and of doctor university scientific doctor better of my advantage. 1The Oath of Office must be administered by doctor ranking Student Government Association legit existing in doctor following order:The specialists of Purdue University Northwest, having confidence in doctor expertise of doctor scholars clinical engage in doctor manner of self determination and self governance, and believing such participation by doctor scholars in doctor affairs of doctor University neighborhood scientific be of mutual benefit scientific both students and administrators, do hereby enter into medical help agreement, doctor Constitution of doctor Student Government Association of Purdue University Northwest hereinafter referred clinical as doctor Student Government Association SGA, with doctor latest and future students of clinical help University. This contract, containing doctor rights and privileges of scholars at scientific help University, shall not be rescinded, save by doctor ratification powers of doctor Student Government Association Senate, doctor Student Body President, and doctor students of scientific help University. The Student Government Association, in doctor firm belief that scholar representation can result in particular person growth and is a collective advantage medical doctor scholars at scientific help University, clinical endeavor clinical show that student evaluations and actions are an necessary a part of doctor University.